• SearchFilter

    Yvonne Sylvia

    The SearchFilter component is an advanced search and filtering feature, saving your several steps to create search boxes each time you do a new project. Frequently used searching field items are taken together. The available search function at the moment is to search by country, address, city, distance, OS, age, variables, search, and sort. Unnecessary functions can be disabled by a project type. [Properties - Setup] Text : The string to show at the initial stage Placeholder : Quick hints display in the input field before users enter values OpenAlways : Set to show searching fields all the time Googleapikey : Set the authentication key of the Google API to complete address and city for searching automatically [Properties - Filter] Address : Set the address field to display or not Country : Set the country field to display or not City : Set the city field to display or not Distance : Set the distance field to display or not Language : Set the language field to display or not

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • AutoComplete

    Yvonne Sylvia

    It enables users to quickly find and select from the pre-populated list of values as they type, leveraging searching and filtering. The Autocomplete suggests options you can use when you fill in the fields. Here the suggestions are tags for programming languages, give "ap" (for apple or application) a try. It can also be used to populate associated information, such as entering country names and getting zip codes. [Properties] Text : The string to show at the initial stage Placeholder : Quick hints display in the input field before users enter values Options: Set items to select DataStore : Set DataStore components to query external data DataText : Reference fields of strings to show on the list of query data from the DataStore DataValue : Reference fields of actual values at the query data from the DataStore [Component Properties] Style Class : set the predefined CSS style on the TextBox Size : set the size property of the Image Style : set the style property of the Image Padding : set the padding property of Image Margin : set the margin property of Image

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • Bootrap Style Components

    Patrick Smith

    As most developers prefer Bootstrap styles for UI/UX, widely used 3 UI components of Bootstrap - button, textbox, panel - are converted into NEST components. You can easily apply Bootstrap style for your NEST apps with Bootstrap UI styles. 1. Button [Bootstrap] Style : set the button style. The properties to select is default, primary, info, warning, danger, and link. With a selected value, the button color changes. Size : set the button size. The properties to select is default, large, small, and extra small. With a selected value, the button size changes. 2. TextBox [Bootstrap] Style : Set the style of a Input box. The properties to choose is default, primary, info, warning, danger, and linke. With a selected value, the color of a text box changes. Size : Set the size of a button. The properties to choose is default, large, small, and extra small. With a selected value, the size of a text box changes. Label : Set the input field of a label. Note 1) Set the phrase or symbol like '@' to put in the front of the Input Box Note 2) Set the phrase or symbol like '00' to put in the end of the Input Box 3. Panel [Bootstrap] Style : Set the style of the background. The properties to choose is default, success, info, warning, and danger. With a selected value, the color of a panel changes.

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • ZoomableImageView

    Eric Michael

    The zoomable imageview component for NEST apps allows you to play huge images in size (e.g. maps, building plans) with properties like pinch to zoom, panning. You are able to resize implemented images to fit the size of screens and to zoom images in and out by clicking them. The view optionally uses subsampling and tiles to support very large images - a low resolution base layer is loaded and as you zoom in, it is overlaid with smaller high resolution tiles in the visible area. This prevents it from holding too much data in memory. It's ideal for displaying large images while allowing you to zoom in to the high resolution details. You can disable tiling for smaller images when displaying a bitmap object. [Properties] Src : Specifies the location or URL of image files [Common Properties] Style class : set the predefined CSS style on the TextBox Size : set the size property of the Image Style : set the style property of the Image Padding : set the padding property of Image Margin : set the margin property of Image

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • DateRangePicker

    Johan K

    The Date Range Picker component in your application will help users set a period from the pop-up menu. The common data range picker provides users with a very small horizantal scroll view so it is painful to set the data range on the small window. With this new data range picker, all the work gets done easily. It not only gives a bigger view but also an intuitive UI. Just add Data Ranger Picker, then a textbox pops up. Move the cursor to the text box to activate, and a calendar to select the start/end date appears. A bigger size calendar with vertical scroll view will come out soon. [Features] A period selection : set the start/end date from the bigger pop-up window User specified attribute : tap event or Drag event Color mode : highlights the period from start date to end date in color. If not selected, no background color. Selection mode: choose either Click or Drag to set the start/end date. With the support of responsive UX, adjust the size automatically according to screen resolutions. [Properties] RangeFrom : The start date of date range(date format : yyyy-mm-dd). The default value is the current date. RangeTo : The end date of data range(date format : yyyy-mm-dd). The default value is 2 years after the current date SelectionFrom : set the start date SelectionTo : set the end date ColorMode : fill the selected data range in background color SelectionMode : either click or drag can be selected to set the start/end date AllowPast : allow users to select a date earlier than today Placeholder : set the short hint that describes the expected value of an input field. If you don't put the value in the field, nothing displays. [Common Properties] Style Class : set the predefined CSS style on the TextBox Size : set the size property of the TextBox Style : set the style property of the TextBox Padding : set the padding property of TextBox Margin : set the Margin property of TextBox

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • SQLite

    NEST Support Team .

    When we work on mobile app development, it is just a matter of time when we face the need for data storage ; Information that can be the backbone for the mobile app to just a single data such as user profile or basket data for shopping app. SQLite is an in-process library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. It is linked to the NEST app by becoming a component of it. Every operation in NEST is performed within the mobile app through the work/data flow provided by the SQLite components. Basically, the SQLite is providing the features that the SQLite utility provides the creation and management database into NEST IDE and SQLite components provide the query of records into database such as SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, and USER SQL. You never need any sql coding for SQLite implementation in NEST. Just set the properties of components. Requirement for theses components Support Android/iOS/ Over Windows phone 8.1 HTML5 applicaiton not supported Over NEST Ver. 2.3.2 required 1. SELECT SELECT component is used to query the database. The result of a SELECT is zero or more rows of data where each row has a fixed number of columns. A SELECT statement does not make any changes to the database schema. - Properties File : name a SQLite database file Table : a table name in SQLite database. It can be selected from any table of database. This property will help create, modify and preview a table. Filter : set the Search conditions of records such as WHERE, FROM, and ORDER BY Sort : set the Sorting conditions of records Limit : limit the numbers of records to search - Event Ready : records search started Take : records search completed Error : errors occured during data search Done : all the tasks completed 2. INSERT INSERT component is used to insert records into the database. The result of a INSERT is zero or more rows of data where each row has a fixed number of columns. A INSERT component does not make any changes to the database schema. - Properties File : name a SQLite database file Table : Table name in SQLite database. It can be selected from any table of the database and connects SQLite utility into NEST IDE for a database creation. Values : Insert records - Event Ready : records search started Success : the requested task is completed Error : errors ocurred during data search Done : all the tasks completed 3. UPDATE UPDATE component is used to update the records into the database. The result of a UPDATE is zero or more rows of data where each row has a fixed number of columns. A UPDATE component does not make any changes to the database schema. - Properties File : name a SQLite database file Table : a table name in SQLite database. It can be selected from any table of the database and connects SQLite utility into NEST IDE for a database creation. Values : Insert records Filter : set the conditions for updating records such as WHERE and SET - Event Ready : records search started Success : the requested task is completed Error : errors occurred during data search Done : all the tasks completed 4. DELETE DELETE component is used to delete the records into the database. The result of a delete is zero or more rows of data where each row has a fixed number of columns. A DELETE component does not make any changes to the database schema. - Properties File : name a SQLite database file Table : a table name in SQLite database. It can be selected from any table of database and connects SQLite utility into NEST IDE for a database creation. Filter : set the conditions for deleting records such as WHERE - Event Ready : records search started Success : the requested task is completed Error : errors occurred during data search Done : all the tasks completed 5. Migration Database The Migration Database component is used for updating database schema. When updating the features of an app, you need to change the structure of database for an app scenario. It customizes the structure of SQLite's database and the application can be migrated for user data. It just has one property for SQL statement by users. So, it looks a bit hard to write a sql statement. When you need to change the structure for changing tables, fields, data migration rules, you can use the features with CREATE, ALTER, DROP, UPDATE, and DELETE. Even if you want to put the bulk data into the existing database, you can use this component. You have to get the skill of SQL statement grammer. This component have been designed for professional developers who are able to customize SQLite's database in NEST app. - Properties File : name a SQLite database file Script : Write a sql statement to customize the database. If you need to write multiple SQL statements, use the separator character like ';' - Event Ready : records search started Success : the requested task is completed Error : errors occurred during data search Done : all the tasks completed

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • Dynamic BackgroundPanel

    Lisa Cunningham

    Many people want to know how to airbrush a background image on form design. The easiest way to do this is to add an image to the image panel to the frame. Is there a better way? But, for example, I have a large panel with over two background images. This panel contains another panel with the diverse size but transparent. When I scroll down this panel, the background image is moving a little bit along with the controls. When I just set a background image, it works fine. What is the problem? How can I fix it? Does it need a complex coding? This component is perfect for the background image effects. The Dynamic BackgroundPannel is a layout component. It displays the setting images with diverse properties. There is no limit to the number of images for displaying effects. It just works with setting properties. Also, each image has the fade in/out effect when switching images. This component is very simple to use but charming for visual effects with the setting properties of ImageList and period. If you apply it into your app’s form such as main screen and user subscription screen, you can easily get gorgeous UI/UX screens. [Main Properties] ImageList : background image lists Period : set the image refresh time cycle(in milliseconds) [Common Properties] Style Class : pre-defined CSS style Size : set the size of panels Padding : set the inside margin based on a child comp

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • ImageFilter

    Brian Wirbia

    Whether photo filter apps are fun to share your mobile photos with friends or you use them to add a touch of personality and customized flavor to your snapshots, one thing is for sure; iTunes and Google Play are both full of them. Some of them offer heavy editing tools, others have great social aspects to back them up. It provides functions which the Images can be applied the effects like to overlay, grayscale, nostalgia, deutlich, lotus, memphis, phykos, and fluorescent into apps. Also, the data can be shared with another apps. The ImageFilter is designed to provide you with: - Diverse effects for image creation. - Sharing with another apps - Integratioin with camera function - Import/export of photo album

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • Parallax

    Eric Michael

    Parallax is a layout component to take advantage of dynamic animations to move between content panels. These designs often scroll in a vertical or horizontal pattern while animating page elements along the way. Parallax interfaces will catch your app user's attention quickly because they stand out dramatically in comparison to a 'typical' application design. In mobile app design, the parallax effect has been around for a while, but recently becomes a trend and talked about a lot. The Parallax effect or parallax scrolling in app design is the technique that features layered images that move around the website in different speeds/perspectives creating a nice and interesting 3D illusion. With the help of Parallax effect, you can help: Implement dynamic and luxurious design into your app Publish desired app screens with no coding Add on the scroll panel layout componet in NEST IDE without configuration The component just should use adding on the scroll panel layout component in NEST IDE

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • Sound Effects

    Yuri Petrenko

    Have fun with this amazing sound effects! All sounds can be set as ringtones or assigned to event functions. Also, all sounds in the app function as alarm and timer effects. Get dozens of sound effects free. On your device, tap the button, then scroll to the bottom of the list of options and tap the settings. Next, select sounds from the list of options, and slide the switch for In-App Sounds to the off position. The SoundEffects provides you with: - Easy-to-use sound effects - 5 Free effects : Ring, Click, Button, Flash, Bell - Regular update Not important setting properties. Too easy.

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • Audio Player

    Yuri Petrenko

    Amazing Audio Player is an easy-to-use component that enables you to create HTML5 audio player for your apps. It can also be published as a standard tags of HTML5 so, you can easy customize the component features for you owns apps. It is a full-functional audio player. Just add it into apps and get the perfect audio player armed with random playing, auto playing, loop playing, progress bar and volume bar. With the help of Audio player, you can help: Create HTML5 full-functional audio player Customize the player with CSS and your own background image Properties : Common - size, style, and margin.,etc.

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • Email Input Box

    James Hutchison

    One widespread issue within mobile applications is with users entering incorrect information when trying to login. Users will enter invalid account information due to a typo, unwillingness to share their email, inability to remember their login, and so forth. This component mitigates this problem by validating the domain and registration of the user's account upon submission. This is a preventative measure to avoid accepting emails with incorrect domains or ISP domains in your user base. Another added benefit to this feature is for the developer. If the developer accidentally forgets to add certain features which will be addressed in the next update, this email component allows effective communication to the user on the update process. This is the 2nd component added to NEST based on my development experience in the past. In the future, I will release new components that I believe allow users to effectively develop mobile applications. Main Features - User account information is automatically validated upon login through the use of the new email component. - Users with a ISP domain will have their account displayed after entering their account information upon login. If you have any questions about the features of this component, please contact james761127@gmail.com

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • Pull To Refresh

    Patrick Smith

    Pull to refresh is a special component that can be used to initiate the refreshing of an app's contents. Are you want to refresh content of your panel? Or initiate contents from your app panel? Then you use scroll events for your panel or use plugin pull refresh and refresh it. In mobile applications such as Twitter, when you encounter a ListView, you can pull it down (and it will bounce back when released) to refresh the content. I wonder what is the best way, in your opinion, to implement with just using this component. For a beginner app creators it may be a difficult task to implement these features. So I recommend to use this component which will help to developers who is struggling to use pull to refresh in their application. Don'€™t need the properties.

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • RangeSlider

    Goldwin Bill

    When an application needs the UI/UX function to set search criteria, developers are likely to create a very complicated user interface with several input boxes and selection boxes for price, time, distance etc. The RangeSlider component provides all the features of what your applications need. It is designed to set the range of price, time and distance. It is easy to customize and response quickly. It is cool and handy in need. The RangeSlider can help you: Limit the range of search criteria such as price, time, and distance Set the starting or end value and the prefix of each unit Support negative and fractional value Event onChange : it occurs when the value changes. Property Min : set the minimum Max : set the maximum From : set the starting point To : set the end point Prefix : input the unit

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • Swipe List

    NEST Support Team .

    The Swipe List View is an implementation with support for drawable cells and many other swipe related features. This control simplifies the building of lists in application that support swipe gestures on the list items. Swipe Modes: Left, Right, Both, None Swipe Actions: 1. Reveal - Swipe to reveal a view behind the list item 2. Dismiss - Swipe to remove a list item from the list 3. Choice - Swipe with a rubber band-like behavior that toggles the selected state of the list item The Swipe List component places allows users to swipe through images across their screen horizontally creating a carousel effect.

    Ver. 1.0.5



  • Duration Picker

    Myron Shaw

    Normally application search functions are limited to date, month, and year. Developers usually have thought about implementing other search features such as duration, period, and have using the Duration class or Period Class for the searching features. Most of the UI features available also require date, month, and year inputs that the user must input in each field. This is very tedious for the user to do. This component can input the these set time durations or periods all at once. If you need to search by time period or duration,, you can use this this duration calendar component within your app. It is a great feature to implement to add a search function. Main Features Able to input and process specific time duration/periods at one time Automatically define time duration or period in which the user wants to search during a month, year, etc.

    Ver. 1.0.1



  • Knob

    Fransesco Cardinale

    We live in a sophisticatedly digitized world, but some people still prefer analogs. Analog dials and knobs especially, are of great use for adjusting things intuitively. These are much handy to set the absolute value like volume control as it stays when it reaches the maximum. However, software knobs are a pain in the neck. It presents considerable development challenge as it can't tell how much you have turn it up or doesn't show whether you have gone too far. For this reason, you're reluctant to use such a function, the Knob feature would be great news. The Knob feature is designed to provide you with: Easy-to-use component 2way data binding Mininum, Maximum and step value configurable Animated Light-weight No configuration required Touch, click and drag event built-in Previously set value in memory Property Min : set the minimum | default=0. Max : set the maximum | default=100. Step : set the step size | default=1. AngleOffset : set the starting angle | default=0. AngleArc : set the arc length | default=360.

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • PasswordInputBox

    Kamal Kumar

    A Password field is similar to a text field. The difference is that the thing which is put into a password field looks like a dot on the screen. This is designed to prevent others from snitching passwords. It provides specialized text fields for password entry. For security reasons, a password field does not show the characters that users input. Instead, the field displays totally different from the original ones as asterix '*'. To enforce security, a password field stores its value as an array of characters, rather than as a string. Like an ordinary text field, a password field triggers an action event when the user indicates that text entry is complete, for example by pressing the return key. The PasswordInputBox is designed to help you: 1. Automate password generation 2. Verify the password after entering 3. Check if the password is valid through pop-up guide window It have just general properties such as size and style. You don't need the understanding.

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • 3D Panel

    James Hutchison

    The 3D panel like the name suggest is a Layout Component that provides panel space with a 3D effect. The background used in the 3D panel can be easily changed to provide that similar 3D effect for any image the components users might want to use. The 3D panel like any other panel provides a space where other components can be placed. An example of one of its uses is like the one above where the 3D panel is being used to provide a bookshelf like effect. This is my first component that I made while using NEST. I hope to continue providing you all with more components to make app development easier.

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • Swipe View

    NEST Support Team .

    The Swipe View Component work as a Carousel, which is continues to display photos in every seconds just like a slideshow. It is well used screen effect on mobile applications and easy to use compare to other company's platform components. For a suggestion, you should use at the least three components on your application for a better cause. The features or effects are listed down below: 1. It create a screen layout structure 2. Make picture slides go on infinitely until the user makes them stop. 3. It scroll from left to right direction with finger event You are now able to swipe through different screens with multiple items in each page by using our new layout component. Let's start making creative new features within our platform.

    Ver. 1.0.4



  • StateofNetwork

    NEST Support Team .

    There are many occasions when network is not accessible for users whether it is due to lack of service or other factors. During these times of network inaccessibility, mobile applications that are dependent on network connections are not able to connect to the application server. The NetworkofState Component can be alert to the application user when the phone is unable to connect its network. This component is vital for any mobile application that relies on the phones network capability to function properly because its ability to notify the user of the network problem. Action checkOnLine: Check for Network connection

    Ver. 1.0.1



  • Random Number generator

    NEST Support Team .

    While working on an application, it takes a lot of time to figure out and solve a logic error. The Random Number Generator component will generate a list of random numbers when an event is triggered. You can create your own OTP(one time password) application by using this component. You can use to generate secure random numbers with this component. This component can generate random numbers more efficiently than any other software modules, as it provides the random number generator with a random seed, rather than using the slower process of random algorithm.

    Ver. 1.0.1



  • AES 256Bit Encryption

    NEST Support Team .

    When you try to make a security application, you need a data encryption implementation for secure stored data. It is very difficult even to software developer. The AES 256bit Encryption component allows the user to encrypt text to securely store and input passwords within the application system. Don't worry, it's really easy to make security application and no computer coding needed. Few special features down below: The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a National Institute of Standards and Technology specification for the encryption of electronic data. It is expected to become an accepted means of encrypting digital information, including financial, telecommunications, and personal data. This component has functions of AES and can easy uses. After using this component, you will be able to encrypt data using AES, test AES-based software, and use AES encryption in your application systems. Now, you can try to make application with security function.

    Ver. 1.0.1



  • SHA Encryption

    NEST Support Team .

    When you try to make a security application, you need a data encryption implementation for secure stored data. It is very difficult to even software developer. The SHA Encryption component allows the user to encrypt text to securely store and input passwords within the application system. Don't worry, you can easily make a security application and there's no computer coding needed. It has a special feature like HASH algorithm down below: A cryptographic hash (sometimes called 'digest') is like a "signature" for a text or a data file. SHA-256 generates an almost-unique variable bit process (256bit, 384bit and 512bit) signature for a text. A hash is not 'encryption' - it cannot be decrypted back to the original text (it is a 'one-way' cryptographic function, and is a fixed size for any size of source text). This makes it suitable when it is appropriate to compare ‘hashed’ versions of texts, as opposed to decrypting the text to obtain the original version. Such applications include stored passwords, challenge handshake authentication, and digital signatures. Also, you can choose an encryption level like to which it is 256bit, 384bit and 512bit. Now, you can try to make application with security functions.

    Ver. 1.0.1



  • UserPermission

    NEST Support Team .

    What your Mobile Application user decides to write on a posting, message, or announcement should be the users own decision and not be altered, deleted, or edited without the users permission as long as it does not go against the terms & conditions of the Application. The UserPermission Component allows the application users to be able to specify who can view, alter, and respond to whatever they may have posted. The ability of your users to be able to control his postings beyond what they originally write is an important and vital part especially for applications that serve as a social network service or any other community application. Action; Validate: checks for permission based on settings Property; Owner: Owner of the content Read: Those allowed to read content Write: Those allowed to write on content Edit: Those allowed to edit content

    Ver. 1.0.2



  • Dynameter

    Joanna Kay

    Dynameter is an administrative console to show data values on the graphic panel. It is useful to track data. With the help of Dynameter, you can help: Gain insight into applicatioin usage and responsiveness in a graphic console. Property Label : set the label on the center of the panel. Unit : set the unit value of the panel Position : set the current position Min : set the minimum value on the panel Max : set the maximum value on the panel Error position : once the value is set, shows in red Warn position : once the value is set, shows in yellow Normal position : once the value is set, shows in green

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • Scroll Effect

    Patton Chase

    With the Scroll Effect, mobile app users are able to see everything an event offers at the swipe of a finger. App users can use various filters to find events by proximity, time frame and genre. It puts together some fancy effects that take place while the user surfs through the sections of an app screen. Some of the effects are quite extreme, but they are useful if you wants to create an unique and intensely engaged user experience. All animations are included. In some searching apps, looking for live music this weekend or maybe a night out on the town this Friday? Scroll Effects makes this information available in a simple and user-friendly way.

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • BarCode Generator

    Jim Willson

    A barcode is the small image of lines (bars) and spaces that is affixed to retail store items, identification cards, and postal mail to identify a particular product number, person, or location. The code uses a sequence of vertical bars and spaces to represent numbers and other symbols. A barcode symbol typically consists of five parts: a quiet zone, a start character, data characters (including an optional check character), a stop character, and another quiet zone. This free barcode generator allows you to enter your barcode information and get an instant barcode image. This component generates the 128 barcode symbology. Just input the related text, then the Barcode generator generates a bar code. The BarCode Generator can help you: Generate barcode with input of the related text Drop down, no properties Support CODE128 only

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • LoadingButton

    NEST Support Team .

    It may take few or more seconds to process what the user requested. During this time, if there's no action to it, users may think that the application might have a bug or a virus. The Loading_Button component will show users that the application is currently loading or processing. You can make detail scenario of applications with this component.

    Ver. 1.0.2



  • AniPanel

    NEST Support Team .

    The AniPanal Component is a UI Container component that makes it possible for layouts to be layered on top of one another with a organized layout on the mobile application. The component is showed and hidden via event. The component can be used to hide and show the layout with various events such as slide down, slide up, slide left, slide right, slide expand up, expand up, fade in, expand open, big entrance, hatch, bounce, pulse, floating, tossing, pull up, pull down, stretch left, stretch right, and more. The numerous methods of showing and hiding layouts allow for app menu lists, options, settings, and other app items to be shown conveniently in a unique and elegant ways. Applying this component into the app is very simple and fast, only the property settings need to be customized to dictate which action to use to show and hide the associated layout Functions Show action: Makes layout appear Hide action: Hides layout onShow event: sliding event occurring when layout appears onHide event: sliding event occurring when layout is being hidden showAnimiation property: popup event occurring when layout appears hideAnimiation property: popup even occurring when layout is being hidden

    Ver. 1.0.1



  • Address Text

    NEST Support Team .

    The Most mobile application want to insert user address for ordering or subscription etc.. This component can use easy use for user address GUI and any other functions. When writing addresses our Address Text component will auto complete the correct address through backend address searching robot engine. Also, This component has a few functions. 1. It can automatically recommend address information. But, It can support address in USA. 2. It can draw a application GUI for address account input text GUI If you want to make an application like ordering and user posting, you can easy use various address features with this component and you can use with the NEST sample projects.

    Ver. 1.0.5



  • Address Map

    NEST Support Team .

    The mobile applications like to map service want to display an address for map navigator. This component can use easy use for map GUI and any other navigation functions. When writing addresses our Address Map component will auto complete and display with google map. Also, This component has a few functions. 1. It can automatically display map service. But, It can support a map service in USA. 2. It can draw an application Map GUI for navigation services. If you want to make an application like ordering and map services, you can easy use various map display features with this component and you can use with the NEST sample projects. Let you try to make owns navigation mobile application.

    Ver. 1.0.2



  • ExTextArea

    NEST Support Team .

    Exchanging information is important and in this day and age people are using data based services to send messages more then ever. This component the ExTextArea component acts as an In App messaging system. Unlike its predecessor component TextArea, the ExTextArea component limits the number of characters used per message. The user is able to view how many characters they have used by a character counter that is shown. In addition, limiting the number of characters prevents bugs and errors that are caused by long messages. The ExTextArea component also alerts the message receivers when they receive a new message. The ExTextArea component will allow your users to communicate with one another with the App and exchange information. Property maxLength: Maximum text length

    Ver. 1.0.1



  • Accordion Layout

    NEST Support Team .

    Generally, the accordion layout is a displayed collapsed content panel for presenting information in a limited amount of space. It should need too many times for implementation function. This component is automatically made content panel on wanting layout in mobile application. You can easy display contents with it. The Accordion Layout component separates into header domain and content domain. If you press header domain, the content domain is marked as a collapsed condition. You can manage unnecessary contents or when they are need to be displayed on the same page and organize the screen structure by using this component. The accordion component will create a drop down list within a menu after the user clicks on the menu value. In addition, you can make more fancy and structured GUI application with this component. If you want to display multiple contents on one screen layout, you can do that with this component.

    Ver. 1.0.4



  • SelectBar

    NEST Support Team .

    Give your application a familiar feeling to potential users by using the UI component SelectBar component. It can be used to create a rectangular bar with multiple options giving it vintage look like you would see on a radio. The SelectBar component can also be used to organize functions with the same main function but different value such as a group of preset distances. This component can be used to organize multiple options in a beautiful display. The SelectBar component can be customized in a variety of different ways to make it as robust or beautiful as you see fit. Event onChange: Selection change notification

    Ver. 1.0.1



  • MultiSelectionGroupBox

    NEST Support Team .

    More options are available today then before and as options continue to grow mobile apps must also comply with such growing options. The MultiSelectionGroupBox Component allows for quick and easy access to selecting multiple options for categories. The component creates an expandable menu that can also be minimized after selecting the options for its associated category. The component makes it fast and easy to select multiple preset options for any category. Categories can be expanded to show options to selected then minimized once they are selected or kept open. The MultiSelectionGroupBox can be used for anything requiring input multiple preset data options such as when filling out a work experience category. This component is to enhance the apps user experience with the accordion like property of the component in its ability to expand and display selectable options while also allowing for a diverse option selection. Event onChange: options are selected for use

    Ver. 1.0.1



  • MultiSelectionBox

    NEST Support Team .

    We live in a world of countless options and as so mobile apps should be able to provide multiple easily selectable options for any criteria. The MultiSelectionBox Component makes it so that multiple selectable options can be made for any desired app criteria. The multiple selections are displayed in a box and each option in the box can be selected. The MultiSelectionBox component can be used for many occasions such as selecting, which workdays are available or which times are preferred. The MultiSelectionBox component makes selecting preset options to use easy and fast. Event onChange: selected option in box are submitted

    Ver. 1.0.1



  • IScrollPanel

    NEST Support Team .

    When scrolling through a list or menu app users should be able to scroll smoothly, easily, and accurately. Older android phones tend to stutter or lag when scrolling through a long list but with the IScrollPanel it is a much smoother experience. The IScrollPanel component provides a more accurate and smooth scrolling experience for app users. It is able to more accurately process the estimated amount of force of the app user and scroll to the their desired location on the list. Although the IScrollPanel component provides a smooth experience for most lists, lists with detailed information and input options should use the regular ScrollPanel component and not the IScrollPanel component. Numerous hours of UI programming can be saved by using this component. Event onInit: When turned on the IScrollPanel component wont be used until the list has fully loaded. When off the component will be available without the list having fully loaded.

    Ver. 1.0.3



  • GestureArea

    Hans Schneider

    The GestureArea is a layout component to sense fingers movement including touch mechanics - what your fingers do on the screen- and touch activities - results of specific gestures -. A touch causes different outcomes, depending on the context in which it is used. For example, a press may select an element like a list item. A touch activity can be achieved with a mix of touch mechanics. For example, by using the touch mechanics of pinch open, double-touch, or double-touch and dragging, a user may zoom in on a view. This component provides a useful gesture layout how to write apps that allow users to interact with an app via touch gestures. It helps you create and detect gestures such as press and swipe. Gestures are not available to all users in all context but adding touch-based interaction to your app can greatly increase its usability. To provide users with a consistent, intuitive experience, it is a good move to adopt new technologies into your app. The GestureArea is designed to help you: Layout gestures - swipe up/down/left/tap/press You can set the properties with common items.

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • TelephoneInputBox

    Juliance Jentsch

    When mobile apps require personal user information like phone number, it is troublesome to apply for different type of such information. The TelephoneInputBox component helps you set the different type of phone number by countries. It is cool and simple. No coding, just drop it into your app! The TelephoneInputBox is designed to help you: - Pop a country code drop box on screen when applications request users to input the phone number

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • Weather Forecast

    Abdul Abbasi

    This simple little data component uses YAHOO YQL to provide weather information based on your location. Incorporating this data component to show the weather can really provide that extra something to make your app more used. This component can be used with other location based data components to provide a app that adapts to the users location. An example of its uses could be with a tour guide app or out door activities app. This is only the first of YQL data components that I will be producing. I hope you all look forward to the variety of component that I plan to provide the market.

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • DateTimeLabel

    NEST Support Team .

    Date and Time are labeled in different formats throughout the world and so using one format can turn off users because of its unfamiliarity. The DateTimeLabel component solves this issue for your app, it is an automatic date and time labeler with a variety of labeling formats based off the iso 8601 standard. App users around the world wont be turned off by the unfamiliar format of the date and time on the app because it will adjust based on their location to fit the format they are familiar with. This component is especially vital for mobile apps that will be globally used.

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • NavigateApp

    NEST Support Team .

    Most mobile Apps are dependent on GPS in order to deliver their service to the user. The NavigateApp component integrates route guidance into the app so that app users can directly find their route through a single click on their app. If your app needs navigation for its users then this component is vital for a better app experience. This component will make it so that users do not have to spend the time copying the address to their wanted destination and reentering into their desired navigation. The component will use the selected or default navigation of the app users phone to route the map guidance to the selected destination. Create a simpler routing experience to your users desired location by incorporating this component into your app. Apps such as restaurant app, delivery, and ad based apps will find this component necessary. Action Execute: Start navigation Property Text: destination address Lat: latitude Long: longitude

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • TabShowLayout

    NEST Support Team .

    Too much information on one page can seem daunting and discourage people from reading important information. Although Phones are getting larger they still do not allow for much information to be shown clearly on one page without using multiple other components to maximize space such as scrolling, expanding menus, and popup menus. The TabShowLayout component emulates tabs found when on browsers of a PC or laptop. The component creates a tab that can be clicked to show a new page where new information can be displayed. It makes organizing everything that needs to be said simple, easy, and familiar. Property Tabs: tab name, number of tabs depend on the number of names inputed

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • KeyValueTable

    NEST Support Team .

    Mobile Apps should be easy and yet capable of producing quality results in every aspect. The KeyValueTable component makes it so that multiple searches with different requirements can be made all at once. Applications with numerous simultaneous keyword searches, and applications with large number of client-server connection will find this component invaluable.. The convenience of searching multiple specific results for a user on an app is irreplaceable as it makes obtaining their wanted results rapid. Action Add: add wanted value Remove: delete selected value Clear: clear all values Take: allot updated data toString: Changes stored data to string Event onTake: retrieval of updated data Property Key: added the input key Value: added input data Selection: key needed for deletion

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • DataBinder

    NEST Support Team .

    The DataBinder component is used to process complex data that mobile app needs. The DataBinder carries out multiple data components simultaneously to bring together necessary data for the app through various methods. Developing a complex data processing structure can be overwhelming and time consuming. In using this component you will save yourself countless hours of development time. In cases such as retrieving GPS location of a user with GPS location disabled the DataBinder component will gather the GPS location of the user through the IP. Also when retrieving data from App users and their activities the DataBinder is makes it possible to retrieve user data and server data simultaneously. Event OnTake: data updated alert Property: DataStore1: Primary needed data for combination DataStore2: Secondary needed data for combination DataStore3: Optional third data for combination Override: When turned on DataBinder uses updated information. When turned off older information is used.

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • ToggleButton

    NEST Support Team .

    Toggle Button component has a similar swipe effect and a same UI to a radio button, which is applied to iPhone/iPad. The Toggle Button component allows users to turn features on or off by swiping up or down. In addition, it has a special function that it can change the state image for user customizing. You can easily apply this component to your application when you need a GUI (Graphical User Interface) about function with two state events.

    Ver. 1.0.2



  • Card View Layout

    NEST Support Team .

    The Card View Layout component is a layout feature that seamlessly transitions screens when swiping up or down. The screens switch as if cards are being flipped through, thus creating a "Card View". To create complex lists and cards with designs or images in your application, you might want to use this component. You may type in the information/memo on the card using the NEST platform. You may create shadows and rounded corners of the card. First thing to start off this component: - Set up the radius of the corners and the background color of a card. For a suggestion, you should use at the least three components on your application for a better cause. The features are listed down below: 1. Create a screen layout structure 2. Make picture slides go on infinitely until a person makes them stop. 3. Scroll from left to right direction with your finger You are now able to swipe through different screens with multiple items in each page by using our new layout component. Let's start making creative new features within our platform. For example, art gallery, menu, flashcards, and etc.

    Ver. 1.0.1



  • Flash Screen

    NEST Support Team .

    If you want to make a special event effects on AD applications, a function such as flashing motion on the screen is necessary. Normally, programmer must do long computer coding to create this effect. But, The Blink Panel Component can help you to make constant flashing multiple colored images on the screen. This component will make your application more fancy and special.

    Ver. 1.0.1



  • Pop-Up Message Box

    NEST Support Team .

    The Pop-Up Message Box component is similar to the Notifier component. It displays contextual information over elements in a user interface in response to mouse and/or touch interactions. Additionally, it allows an application to display an additional content without switching the screen. A popover has a fixed width and automatic height, depending on its contents. It closes when tapping the screen anywhere near the popover box. The features listed down below: 1. events for composition 2. "auto" positioning 3. Fluent function 4. Minimal based styling Also, use when to: 1. Show the confirmation is shown 2. Hide the confirmation is hidden 3. Cancel the user closed the confirmation or cancelled 4. Ok the user accepted

    Ver. 1.0.1



  • TwitterFeed

    NEST Support Team .

    The Twitter Feed component can create a list or channel of tweets that can be placed on any screen. You can make owns twitter application with only your account. And your twitter application can only make within 10 minutes. You can only see about your account twitter quickly. Let you try that!!

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • Notifier

    NEST Support Team .

    The Notifier component displays a pop up interstitial on the screen when an event is triggered also users may apply their own alarm message. Usually used for ~ Also, the notifier is a non-visible component that can show various kinds of alerts and can log information. Use the notifier to display notices and alerts to users of your app, and also to log information that can help you debug your application. And it add a simplify approach to the notifier the application user using mail (or other notification service) that is managed using. This component will support essential functions for your application services and management.

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • Image View

    NEST Support Team .

    The ImageView component allows you to zoom in/out an image in details or just to look at by double clicking the desired image. You may save or view picture which is must-have item for applications. Also, you are allowed to make your own photo gallery by using only one feature. why not make a photo album for your own family?

    Ver. 1.0.1



  • CountDown

    NEST Support Team .

    This component will show the remaining days, hours, minutes and seconds to your event, as well as animated updates on every second. Therefore, it displays a countdown timer that will automatically update based on a set time. Make your own application for your timed jogging route!

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • Marquee Form

    NEST Support Team .

    If you want to make an AD application or notice board functions on your application, please use this component. For example, you may need this component to display news or commercials (like the bar news in the TV channels) when the component finishes displaying the current news. The Marquee Form component delivers messages by transitioning text seamlessly over the screen from left to right. You can create a marquee chart and structured layout with this component. Try now!

    Ver. 1.0.2



  • Check Layout

    NEST Support Team .

    Have you seen or own Windows 8 Platform? When you start on the windows computer screen, you can see their own menu GUI structure on the windows 8, which is called metro styled UI structure. This component helps you to apply metro style structure on your application. Also, The Check Layout component provides the ability to layout all the desired icons and selections onto a grid platform that the user can choose from menu interface. You may customize your own colors and sizes of the boxes. Have fun with it!

    Ver. 1.0.1



  • Pie Chart

    NEST Support Team .

    Particular skills are needed to display a pie chart, statistic graphs, analyzing data on the application. Commonly, chart/graph functions are needed and the most people prefer is the pie chart. The Pie component inserts a Pie Chart within the desired area to graphically display data values. Only thing you need to do is connecting your statistics, analyzed data and it will automatically display on the application screen and print out the data. This component will be a must item for applications that related to statistics, finances, and etc. Why don't you make your own mobile application for account management book?

    Ver. 1.0.1



  • Single Line Chart

    NEST Support Team .

    The Single Line Chart component inserts a line graph within the desired area. Please note that multiple data sets are not available at this time. It's very easy to make perfect and basic graphic chart. Additionally, it helps to make GUI of the chart and displays also connect to the data. Try to make a simple statistic application for yourself!

    Ver. 1.0.1



  • Switch

    NEST Support Team .

    Switch component has a similar swipe effect and a same UI to a radio button, which is already applied to iPhone/iPad. Just press the switch button to change the conditions, we provide more options for different conditions other than just on/off. The switch component allows users to turn features on or off by swiping left or right. You can easily apply this component to your application when you need a GUI (Graphical User Interface) about function with two state events.

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • Multi TextBox

    NEST Support Team .

    This component easily solves a problem when you need to input many GUI data and process users' data just by dragging and dropping. The Multi TextBox creates separate text boxes for an email after it is inputted in the email address line. Not only pop up the text boxes but also users are able to write an email(s) and there's no limited space to type. These are the few features: 1. Multiple boxes to choose for their own email account. 2. Allows GUI (Graphical User Interface) and remembers a previous user accounts on email application. 3. Supports selected user data can delete for easy function with touch event. This component is very useful for various applications. Have fun with it!

    Ver. 1.0.0



  • Email TextBox

    NEST Support Team .

    Most of mobile applications ask to insert an email account for authentication. This component can use easy use for email account GUI and any other functions. When writing email addresses our Email TextBox component will auto complete the correct email service provider's domain (Yahoo, Google etc...), If you already created your own email application, there's no need for you to check emails on multiple applications. This component has a few functions. Such as: 1. It automatically creates email domain and charter like @yahoo.com, @gmail.com, and etc. But unfortunately, it can't support unknown ISP domains and company domains. 2. It can draw an application GUI for email account input text GUI If you have multiple ISP email accounts, try to make your own email application. Then, you can easily check your email with this component and you can use with the NEST sample projects.

    Ver. 1.0.1



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